Thursday, April 3, 2008

What is 513 Herny St?

A beautiful buidling located at the SE corner of Sackett and Henry Streets in the Carroll Gardens of Brooklyn, NY.

It is 4 stories, with an old phamacy and natural food store on the first floor, 2 apartments on the second floor, one apartment with a roof on the third floor, and on apartment on the fourth floor. There is a staircase that leads to the roof.

I had the pleasure of meeting the owner, Mark, at Bluestockings Book Store and Cafe, a independent bookstor located on Allen St just below Houston in the Lower East Side. I was talking about wind power and how we as electric customers can opt to buy electric form wind power instead of coal, oil, gas, and nuclear power tha Con Ed normally delivers- see for more info.

The next day Mark, being a citizen of earth, switched the electric accounts at 513 Henry St, to wind power. I asked if I could see the building, which was partially vacant and we met on site later that afternoon. This was February, 2007.

513 Henry was in need of some repairs, loving and occupants. I offered to help with all 3 needs and in October I moved in.